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We at Marshalling Resources fully intend to do our part in ensuring a safe working environment, and we’d like to offer our perspectives to those who visit our website.


1. Layout your new daily routine - don’t freelance your way through this crisis

2. Get physically set up for your new routine (e.g. dedicated home workspace) - if possible, don’t take spaces that are used for other purposes, such as the kitchen table; you still have to eat

3. Jot down phone numbers of loved ones to regularly check on - many are anxious and stressed and need to talk

4. Think ahead - anticipate your needs and order items online that might be currently out of stock

5. Gather your medical supplies (e.g. thermometer) and make sure everyone in the household is aware of location

6. Figure out what you can still do just maybe differently (e.g. online church service)

7. Determine where you will get your news updates and establish set viewing times - maintain flexibility for breaking news alerts

8. Identify alternative sources of entertainment and relaxation, if necessary - the body and mind still need downtime

9. Cancel events that you know will not be allowed (e.g. overseas vacation in March - just do it; don’t wait; relieve your stress and that of others

10. Face financial situation head on and ask for help - seek organizations who are hiring or those paying for volunteers; reach out to family members


Focus on what you “can” do versus what you can’t do. Develop a “can-do” attitude.

March 22. 2020

My t-shirt reads: “I am living proof CANCER is just a word and not a sentence.” Fortunately, that’s my story but it’s not everyone’s story. Anyway, this t-shirt that I wear during colon cancer awareness month made me think about what I did while undergoing chemotherapy.


I focused on the “CAN” in cancer. Some have heard all about the positive attitude that helped me fight. So, I’m doing it again re: this global pandemic. What “CAN” I do in light of all of the things I cannot do right now. For starters I CAN help those in need. I CAN pray. 


I CAN spend more time with family. I CAN learn something new while movement is restricted. I CAN worship. I CAN send encouraging messages. I CAN order food to support small businesses. I CAN assist a teacher in a virtual classroom. My can-do list is getting long. 


I CAN mourn with grieving families. I CAN yell out of the window or door at 8:00 pm every night and say “THANK YOU” to our healthcare providers and first responders. What CAN you do? Talk to me.



(source: World Health Organization, 3/18/20)

1. Wash your hands frequently

2. Maintain social distancing

3. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth

4. Practice respiratory hygiene

5. If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early

6. Stay informed and follow advice given by your healthcare provider


For additional information please visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)


Message from healthcare workers: “I stayed at work for YOU! Please stay at home for US!”

We’re all in this together.


1. Take this seriously

2. Pray for the world, especially our nation and its leaders

3. Comply with government mandates

4. Support healthcare providers, first responders and those performing essential services

5. Pour into the local small business economy

6. Care for our children who are now homeless and hungry in the absence of school

7. Pray for those mandated to stay home when home is not a happy place (e.g. domestic violence, loneliness)

8. Tend to the needs of our senior citizens (mobility, financial, health)

9. Fill whatever gap you can fill 

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